10 Most Read Blog Posts from 2017

It's always a good idea to review your stats, so you know what people are interested in reading. You might want to spend more effort promoting your top posts - use your best value to attract new readers (something like this article). #1. Is Your Canadian Small Business Compliant with CASL Yet? The Canadian Anti Spam Legislation came fully info effect on July 1, 2017. Here are the 4 most obvious ways businesses aren't yet fully compliant. #2. Favourite Free Image Sources and Graphics Tools for Small Business Marketing Wondering where to find free images for your newsletter or blog? These are the most common sources we use for free images. #3. LinkedIn is a Resource, Not a Mailing List "Can I add my LinkedIn contacts to my email list?" I get asked this a lot with regard to the Canadian Anti Spam Legislation (CASL). Find out if you can, if you should, and if it's legal. #4. No Love from your Newsletter? Here's Why A newsletter does not make a...