What Do You Need To Say YES To?

(guest post by Natasha Marchewka)

Do you find you are saying NO to everything lately, to keep the status quo?

I was... because I was overwhelmed and afraid. I already had enough daily commitments to keep me busy for the next 10 years.

And then, I had a shift of perception.

I realized that to grow (or be happier or fulfilled), I needed to say YES to things that stretched me. Further, what is entrepreneurship without risk taking? It doesn’t exist.

That said, I’ve taken on MANY new commitments that I suddenly have the energy for because they all seem like where I need to be. In all cases, the yes’s come in the form of helping others in some way.

When’s the last time you said yes to something that you felt enthusiastic about? Even when our plates are full, I believe there is room to say yes to commitments that ring true with us on a deep level. Taking a risk is part of living fully with the potential to fail or succeed. Either way, you succeed.

I’m saying YES because I know how to say no. I’ve made room in my business and my life for new risks to help me to continue to evolve.

What can you say YES to?


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