End the Year with a Blog

If you're buried in holiday preparations - at home or for your business - perhaps blogging is low on your to-do list. What if you knew exactly what to write about for the rest of the year?

Here are a few no-fail ideas to wrap up the year with a bang.

#1. Top selling products or services
Check your sales reports and make a list. You might include additional items like photos, detailed descriptions, tips for use, and customer testimonials.

#2. Most read blog posts (or newsletter articles) of the year
Check your stats and make a list. Include a short preamble for each and a link to read more.

#3. News and trends that impact your target market
Do a summary timeline of this past year, or write your predictions for the coming year. This one can be serious or fun.

#4. Best of... lists
You can do a best of... lots of things: videos, books, trends, apps, tips, resources, infographs, others' articles, music, products, services, customers, suppliers, dates, events, celebrities, and so on.

Any of these types of articles are popular because they're useful and interesting. They can be fairly quick to assemble (or delegate) and are a great way to end the year on a high note.

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