Gratitude Yields Results in Many Ways: An eMail Marketing Success Story

Steve Foran is my hero. While he deserves that label for many reasons to do with his altruistic message and goal to make his community a better place, he’s also my hero because of his email marketing practices.

First, some background. Steve works with leaders across North America to shift culture and help teams bring more gratitude into the workplace. He’s been on the leading edge of gratitude-based research, writing, and teaching for over a decade and his science-based strategy, Gratitude At Work, is a simple, yet innovative approach to business growth.

When I first met Steve I was excited to talk to him because he was running an email campaign that put his name into people’s inboxes every day. To me, as an email marketer, that seemed to be the ultimate success story. I may have even disconcerted Steve a little with my enthusiasm - “You have permission to email people every single day!”

Now over 4 years later I’m still receiving Steve’s daily messages reminding me to be grateful. Recently I also received 21 tips to help me improve on my gratitude practices delivered daily. And I receive his monthly video blog by email.

I asked Steve why he started email marketing for his business. He told me that he wanted to get his important message in front of people on a regular basis. Today that goal still holds true but Steve has also figured out that email marketing can work to encourage ongoing learning. He can have a greater impact on the clients he works with and the people who hear him speak by continuing to coach through email.

Steve was also quick to tell me it’s not all one way communication. He learns how to hone his messages and approach by paying attention to responses, both by email and on his public gratitude journal.

When I asked if he ever feels stressed about preparing and sending his daily messages, Steve told me that he has a regular routine – he takes 5-10 minutes every evening to prepare his gratitude message – and never feels like it’s a chore.

Infusionsoft is the tool Steve uses to manage his email campaigns and, because it is process driven, it saves him time by automating routine tasks. He also likes its CRM capabilities for keeping track of contact interactions.

Steve’s email campaigns generate good business opportunities and encourage repeat business. He has no doubt that his email marketing has played a major role in his business success.

“What advice do you have for other business owners who want to start email marketing?” I asked, and Steve mentioned two specific things. First, be consistent. Second, figure out what value you can give to your target market and focus on that. People want to keep getting his emails daily because they find value. I couldn’t agree more.


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