Write without Fear, Edit without Mercy

Do you get hung up over finding the perfect word? Distracted by comma placement? Or just stuck looking at a blank screen?

I've told many people I'm a wannabe writer. Now, closing on 350 articles, I still feel like a wannabe. That's because I'm a much better editor than writer.

I still quibble over words and have to remind myself to move on - but now that happens in 10 seconds instead of 3 minutes.

If writing is what's holding you back from publishing a blog or newsletter, here's what you need to know:
  1. Write something instead of nothing. Maybe you'll change it later, but it's a start.
  2. Write when you're inspired. That might mean making time to get inspired.
  3. Don't set goals about the number of words. Write only as much as you need to, as opposed to a 500 word essay.
  4. Don't get stuck choosing words. Pick one and move on.
  5. Spend twice as much time editing as you do writing.
  6. Have a time gap between when you write and when you edit. You'll have fresh eyes a day later.
  7. Get someone else to proof. Next best option is to proof by reading out loud.
  8. If you're not a great writer, get a good editor.


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