The Work of Small Business Blogging

This is my 600th blog post. I'm feeling the pressure to write something wise and inspirational about blogging like I did with post #500. Are you ready? Here it is...

Aside from your business objectives, you actually have to like doing the work of blogging to maintain momentum for the long term.

I wouldn't have made it through 600 posts if I didn't actually like doing the work. Sure, I've felt stress to meet deadlines and guilt when I haven't. My pace has sometimes slowed but I won't be stopping any time soon. The commitment grows, the longer you're at it.

Here's the thing about blogging though - you can give it a try to see if you want to make the commitment. Do a few test drives to see if you like the work involved.

I'm researching the obstacles that keep people from blogging for their businesses - those who say "I should" but never start. Can I help get you unstuck in a 10-minute phone call? Maybe. Want to find out? Book a call here.

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