Why Use a Bulk Email Service?

For a small cost, a bulk email application gives you LOTS of benefits:
  • Cost is minimal.
  • It allows you to schedule your email sends.
  • It allows you to auto-post to your social media accounts.
  • It handles subscribes and unsubscribes effortlessly and accurately.
  • It has built in functionality to manage your contact lists and segments.
  • It saves you time and mistakes. Take advantage of templates plus spell/spam checkers.
  • It keeps you compliant.
  • It keeps you up-to-date and ready to take advantage of new functionality.
  • It raises you above amateur status.
  • Statistics drive strategy. Without them there is no way to know if you are being successful, what works and what doesn’t, and what readers are interested in.
The real question is, why not use a bulk email service? If you can think of a reason, please share!

Photo: markyweiss


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