Is Your Newsletter a Vehicle or the Destination?

traffic congestion

Small business owners often arrive at the desire to start an email newsletter from one of two different directions. The route has an impact on the strategy, tactics and tools you will use.

A Vehicle

Some have already been blogging and, for them, an email campaign is a vehicle to get their content in front of (more) people on a regular basis. It's a way to extend the reach of the content they are already creating. It gives regular readers a way to ensure they don't miss a post. Plus, adding additional content snippets can help advance marketing goals.

The Destination

For others, starting a newsletter is their first foray into content marketing - their newsletter will be a resource they want their target market to sign up for. It may be something that isn't available anywhere else. The value delivered is the final destination.

Why does it matter?

If the newsletter you're thinking of starting is a vehicle, you can cruise right past strategic planning. If you've been blogging regularly, you already have goals, a content strategy, and know your target market. You get to take the bypass and skip the congestion caused by strategy and planning. That's an advantage you may not have fully realized. Now you know, what will you do about it?

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