Consider Point of View for All Your Writing

I've done it. You've done it. And they've done it. I'm talking about mixing up points of view when writing. And also using the right point of view for the right purposes.

Grammarly has a quick little article explaining First, Second, and Third Person in case you don't remember from school.

Here are some things to consider from a content marketing perspective:

Articles, blog posts: Mixing up I-we-you-they-me all in one article might cause confusion. There may be reasons for including all of these words in one article but it's worth re-reading to check. Using both second and third person is something I see often and probably accounts for most of the editing I do. If you are writing to/for your reader, consider using the second person. If you are writing about your own experiences, of course, you have to use the first person.

Website: If your business IS you, I recommend writing in the first person (about yourself) and the second person (for features, benefits, calls-to-action). If your business is bigger than you, using the third person is more formal and using the first person (we) is more casual.

Biography: It's great if your 'About' page is written in the first person but it's not appropriate for a bio that you're giving to someone else to use to promote you. Have a super-duper version of your bio written in the third person to give to other people to use.

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