Home Office Holiday Party

In preparation for our office party this year, I wrote a poem. Then I gathered together the things I would need to have a party with Romeo and Danielle. (The Temptations were for Romeo, the phone for Danielle, and the coffee for me.)

Romeo, my cat, is used to hearing me talk out loud as I proofread and he was unusually excited about hearing the poem.

Danielle, who lives several time zones away in Saskatchewan, also works alone (and helps me out lots) so I invited her to my office party by phone. It was a good move because she's a master at rhyming words.

After much anticipation, I started to read the finished poem aloud to them. As you can see in the photos above, I had their full attention.

Ode to a Midnight Blog

Silent night, late at night,
I've still got my blog to write.

My laptop propped up on my bed,
I'm hoping ideas will fill my head.

Yawns escaping, eyelids drooping,
Neck is stiff, my thoughts are looping.

My brain is sore, I think some more
About what the heck I'm doing this for.

I'm so tired, in words I'm mired!
I just can't seem to get inspired.

Feeling stumped after several tries,
I think I just need to rest my eyes.....

Sunlight streaks across my bed.
I wake up fast and shake my head.

To the bathroom I must race
And in the mirror I see my face.

I'm so surprised I can only squeak.
There's keyboard marks across my cheek!

The lesson for bloggers is not too deep:
Move your laptop aside before falling asleep.

When I was done, Romeo was looking for a place to sleep (I'm sure because he was full of treats) and Danielle said, "Didn't I already hear that story?" I had to remind her it was true.

We wish you a fun-filled holiday season! (And heed my true story - you really don't want keyboard indents on your face when you have to go to a party in person ;)

WAIT! Before you take off...

If you've enjoyed my (almost) solo Christmas Party, I'm sure you'll enjoy the other bloggers who have joined me in this fun, new tradition. Please visit all of the blogs and leave a comment. Not only will you make them feel good, you might win some other awesome prizes, too. Next up on your holiday party tour is Lori Byrne at Farm Fresh Style - click here to party on!

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  1. This poem is awesome, Linda! I love that you had a furry guest at your party -- I should have thought to bring my puppy down to my office. Thanks for partying with me this year!

  2. haha Great poem and I can totally see that happening. Thanks for the warning - I'd hate to leave the house with QWERTY stamped across my forehead (though that would indicate a pretty awesome party lol). Merry Christmas!

    1. Thanks Heidi, it's also rough to put makeup over :)

  3. Thanks for the poem Linda! I was chuckling while reading it. My first party of the season. Well done. Merry Christmas!!!!!

  4. HAHAHA The ending! Great poem. Very creative. Thanks for participating in our adventure!

    1. I was cursing you under my breath in the middle of the night last night :) Why does Anita always have these great ideas that I have to participate in?! lol

  5. ha ha ha I thought that the lines from pillows in the morning were bad enough.
    Merry Christmas Linda!

    1. Pillow lines have nothing on keyboard marks :) Happy Holidays!

  6. Wonderful poem. Made me laugh. Merry Christmas and all the best in the New Year.

    1. Thanks Lea, I'm glad you came by! Merry Christmas to you too!

  7. you guys are silly!

    I've subscribed with mmmisformommy@gmail.com


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