List Building Strategies for Networking Associations

Networking groups usually get their work done by volunteer members, and those roles change frequently, so maintaining a consistent list building process is a challenge. Here are some simple recommendations to make sure you don't lose focus on this key membership building strategy. Growing your list means growing your membership.

Have a sign-up form on your group’s website or blog. This is a must!

Make list building a regular part of every meeting. Here are some ways to do that so members can easily take turns.
  • Use technology and do it ‘live’. Bring up the sign-up form on someone’s phone or tablet and pass it to visitors to enter their email address.
  • At a point in each meeting, direct visitors to pull out their phones and guide them to your website to sign themselves up.
  • Collect business cards and have one person enter the email addresses during or after the meeting.
Don’t forget to get new members to sign themselves up, or do it for them.

Read this blog post for some content ideas for your networking association's newsletter.


  1. Very nice tips even i don' know about email marketing before
    & i am following thank you


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