13 Ways to be Productive when Your Internet is Down

It's been well over a week that I've been unable to do much online. For a small business owner, a forced vacation during the holiday season isn't such a bad thing. But there were some essential tasks that I needed to do before December 31st which caused a bit of panic. I also spent a lot of time on the phone with my internet provider and messing with cables. Not such a vacation after all.

Now, I’m itching to get the new year started. My work depends on me having internet access, but I discovered there are lots of things I can do to be productive working on my business even without the web. Here are some suggestions:
  1. Write articles for your blog or newsletter. Have them proofed and ready when needed.
  2. Prepare social media posts – text and graphics.
  3. Read a business book.
  4. Check your calendar and prepare for upcoming meetings and events.
  5. Print and review business reports.
  6. Planning – Use a paper or electronic template to prepare strategic plans, action lists, sales plans, project plans, marketing plans... you get the idea.
  7. Write FAQs, ebooks and other resources.
  8. Write cards – thank you, hello, congratulations – and send them by snail mail.
  9. Pick up the phone and make appointments for business meetings. Or (gasp) do some prospecting by phone. (This one is for The Phone Lady.)
  10. Print forms that you’ll need and can stock up on.
  11. Take a trip to the office supply store.
  12. Have an impromptu mastermind meeting with a colleague by phone.
  13. Yes, even write email. Create your messages in Word and save them till you’re online again, then copy and paste.

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