The Best Reading of 2014

Continuing our annual tradition, here are our top 10 picks of the best articles from the Work Better, Not Harder newsletter during 2014, not in any particular order.

You need to Bite-size your Content
by Brandi Good, BLG Business Solutions
Your new website just went live - it looks amazing and it's chock-full of great information. You spent hours crafting the perfect blog post. You put together a newsletter with a beautiful layout and great content. You've been sharing these links all over your social media networks. And then...
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The Problem with Gratitude
by Steve Foran, Performance Quest
Can’t believe it took 7 years to figure this out! Although I was unaware of the problem, I’ve known all about the benefits of being grateful - a list which continues to grow.
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Have you been Asked yet Today?

by Brenda Fay, BrenDaniel Productions Corp.
I had a conversation with a potential client the other day and they asked me question after question. Probably thinking I was getting irritated by it, the client said “We teach all of our consultants to ask questions...”
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Networking is NOT Selling!
by Susan Eldridge, Business Women Connect
Many of us think we hate networking. I hear it all the time: "I can't do it." "Not my comfort zone." "I hate putting myself out there." Why do we feel this way?
sorry - link is unrecoverable

Twirp's Tips for Twitter
by Anita Hovey, Twirp Communications
We’ve put together an infograph of some of our favourite tips for getting started on Twitter... and well, ya never know, even if you’re a seasoned Twitter pro, you still might learn a thing or two!
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Working from Home? Tips for Staying Healthy
by Meryl Cook
Some of my favourite clients are business owners who work from a home office. In working with this population, I see a number of common health concerns.
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No Need for Speed
by Mary Jane Copps, The Phone Lady
Time spent on the phone, whether it’s with friends and family or with clients and prospects, is intimate communication. Next to being in the same room with someone, it is the best way to truly hear and discuss thoughts and ideas.
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Legal Triage
by Corinne Boudreau
Here are some tips on how to know when to deal with things yourself (“DIY”) and when to call a lawyer.
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Why You Need to Leave the $10 Words on the Shelf
by Neil Everton, Podium Media and Communications Coaching
William Faulkner once accused fellow author Ernest Hemingway of dumbing-down his writing. Faulkner complained that Hemingway had ‘never been known to use a word that might send the reader to the dictionary’.
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The Client is not always Right... for You!
by Debi Hartlen MacDonald, New Life Business Solutions
Working with the right client will make what you do a joy! When you love what you do, but are working with a client who is not the right fit for you, it is a total drag for you.
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Looking for more reading? Get the Best Reading Lists for 2012 and 2013.

Originally published in Work Better, Not Harder on December 31, 2014

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