Encourage your Readers to Tweet

Blog posts, newsletters, web pages and documents - these are all things we want our readers to share with others. In fact, getting people to share these things is just as important as getting them read.

Getting our fans to share might not be so difficult but everyone else is busy, and sharing our content isn't top of mind. That’s why it’s so important to make it easy - really easy - to share.

Sharing buttons work great and are easy to install into blog posts, newsletters and web pages. Many templated applications have widgets you can embed and Share This is also a popular option.

My favourite sharing tool by far is Clicktotweet, which Anita at Twirp Communications turned me onto during one of our Team Twirp meetings. “Clicktotweet is the best, easiest and simplest way to promote and advertise your blog, website, business and stuff on Twitter.” What is a ‘click to tweet’? Here’s a simple example:

Giving readers an easy way to share content will ensure it gets shared more often. (click to tweet this!)

You can use a ‘click to tweet’ wherever you can use a hyperlink, including PDF and Word documents. You can embed it with an image, such as your own unique tweet button. You set up the text of the tweet, so you can include hashtags, handles and hyperlinks. Of course, you still only have 140 characters but Clicktotweet keeps track of that for you, too. If you get the paid version (a mere $5/month), you can also see statistics for all your ‘click to tweet’ links, as well as any other links you included in your tweets.

Need proof that it works? Here are just a few tweets from one article of mine.

Don’t force your readers to take extra steps to share your content, like opening Twitter and posting directly. Make it super easy by creating the tweet for them.

Click to Tweet this Article


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