Let's Play like Adults

Yesterday I politely wrote asking to be removed from a mailing list after receiving a promotional email that was ugly, far from CASL-compliant, and for products I’m not interested in. I even included links to CASL info in an effort to help.

I received this response a few moments later: “Please do the same for me.”

This childish reaction came from an older man who had attended a free email marketing training I put on last spring at the request of the Halifax Chamber of Commerce. He sells products to my target market. Do you think I’m ever likely to recommend him to anyone now?

Email marketing isn't a game, it’s a business strategy. I firmly believe we should unsubscribe from mailings that aren't of interest to us. I read many newsletters from people who don’t read mine. It’s not a “tit for tat” thing.

Email marketing costs money. Why would we want to waste our efforts sending messages to people who don’t want them?

Go ahead, unsubscribe from the things you don’t want. Don’t make your subscription to other’s newsletters dependent on their subscription to yours. Let’s be grown-ups.


  1. Great post, Linda. When someone unsubscribes from my list, I must admit, I am slightly wounded. Still, I unsubscribe regularly, to keep my inbox as manageable as possible. Staying detached and professional is vital in order to keep moving forward. In my business of voice-overs, where there is A LOT of opportunities to be rejected, I've really learned not to personalize. Even wrote a post about it! http://wp.me/p4jXvM-1k
    Thanks for sharing your experience, Linda!

    1. Thanks for writing, Natasha. You're right, sometimes it's hard not to take things personally. Let's just not stick out our tongues in public ;)


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