Idea Challenged? Here are 3 Tools

We can all get writer's block. I've found 3 tools that help me get past it. I may not use the exact suggestions that result, but the suggestions trigger more ideas and before long I'm off and writing.

Hubspot's Blog Topic Generator
Fill in the fields with terms (preferably nouns) that you'd like to write about, and you'll get a week's worth of relevant blog post titles in a matter of seconds!

Imagination Prompt Generator
A prompt appears and you can click the button to generate another. Keep going till you find one that speaks to you, then start writing.

420 Fables
Freewrite. Choose a subject and write continuously for a set period of time. Disregard spelling, punctuation and grammar. 420 Fables gives you a time limit and a place to write. If what you freewrite is good, edit it into an article.

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  1. Great suggestions, Linda. And since my work life doesn't include a lot of "snooping" on the internet, I never would have found these on my own. I really appreciate how much you share with everyone.

    1. All that snooping pays off when I'm desperate for a blog topic. haha

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