How to Find the RIGHT Image

A friend asked me to help her out by finding images of people talking on the phone to be used to market a new service. I like for images (because they’re reasonably priced and easy to buy from) so I logged in and started searching for ‘manager on phone’. Great – 3030 images in the search results. I started scrolling through and saving images to a collection for later review. Good images, but none of them were really ‘speaking’ to me. Then I came across this one.

It spoke to me – it stopped me and made me laugh. It reminded me of similar circumstances that I’d been in. Who hasn't goofed around at work now and then? The headline I imagined was: “Are your sales people avoiding the phone?”

If I had known the headline first, I could have zeroed in on images that resonated it, rather than wading through hundreds of bland images of people talking on the phone.

If you’re going to search for images, develop a few headlines first. When you have more than a broad subject, the results are better and you’ll save time.

photo by angelocesare


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