Un-credible Words

Just because you say it's so, doesn't make it true. Take this email disclaimer below as an example. Please, read the small print.

The first line sounds pretty good... ethical and all that. And hey, they respect me. I might believe it if I had actually subscribed. I know I didn't because I never subscribe to anything using the particular email address this came to. I'm already questioning their sincerity.

Next they tell me that removal is automatic and "enforced" (whatever that means). Apparently "automatic" means 2-3 business days in this case.

The link to click to start the "process for email deletion" opens an email with their address filled in, nothing else. Decidedly NOT automatic.

The other way I know I didn't subscribe to this email list is that I would never sign up for anything that "may be a newsletter, press release, solicitation or advertisement."

The "best practices in responsible email marketing" line is supposed to be the clincher. It was - now I'm absolutely positive that they're completely un-credible. Look at how many words they had to use to convince me of that!

PS: The email itself was 100% promotional and poorly executed. It came from a brokerage firm that gets you "the best price for all of your internet and marketing needs". When I clicked through to their website and then to their Twitter profile, I discovered they have 1 tweet and 2 followers. Need I say "irony"?


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