Online Marketing Faux Pas

Online marketing provides an ample playground for errors, such as typos, broken links, and incorrect dates. We've gotten used to little boo-boos - they happen to everyone and we're mostly forgiving.

Then there are those biggies - the things that can cause a total disconnect with our brand, services and products. Here are some examples I see more often than you might think:

  • The marketing strategist whose LinkedIn profile page url is a series of letters and numbers
  • The sharing app that doesn't use their own tool in their blog posts to make them easy to share
  • The bulk email service provider that sends icky looking newsletters
  • The blogging trainer who doesn't post regularly
  • The social media experts with no social connecting links on their websites
  • The catchy call-to-action that takes you to a sign-up form that doesn't work
  • The website designer whose own website is 5 years old (and looks it)
  • The obvious typos on a homepage that are still there 6 months later
  • The things we sign up for but never get, and the things we get that we never signed up for
  • The big, bold text that says, "CALL NOW!", yet no one answers the phone

If we don't care about the messages we're sending with our marketing, it's highly likely no one else will either. If we get the big things right, we'll be forgiven for the little things that go wrong.

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  1. I LOVE THIS SO MUCH. Walk the talk, people. WALK THE TALK.


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