Summer Marketing Sets You up for Success in the Fall

You might think blog (and newsletter) readership drops over the summer when many people head on vacation. And you would be wrong. Some people have more time to read during the summer months. In fact, they will read more deeply, taking the time to click links and follow a topic or call to action.

Before you start tossing rotten fruit my way... I not suggesting you skip vacation in favour of marketing.

Your summer holiday may be as important to your body's health as your marketing is to your business health. In the same way you'll figure out how to take some vacation days this summer, you can also figure out a way to keep your marketing alive and kicking.

Make a content plan in advance. I'm not the best person to dish out this advice as I do most of my content creation on the fly as inspiration strikes me. But summer has even me doing some necessary planning. At the least, jot down a list of possible topics to use over the summer. (Do it now; I'll wait for you.) Now you'll be more alert for ideas about these topics when you come across them.

Turn content creation activities into assembly lines. I sometimes write more than one article at a time but I purposely ramp up in the spring. The same goes for creating graphics for social media; I create a bunch in one sitting rather than one-offs.

Here are some more suggestions to maintain your marketing momentum over the summer months.

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originally published in Work Better, Not Harder newsletter May 30, 2017


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