How Does Your Marketing Change If You Don't Want New Customers?

What's the marketing strategy for NOT attracting new clients? Is it to stop marketing all together? Or to scale back, everything or some things?

There are many reasons why a small business may not want to receive new customers for a period of time; I just hadn't considered it till now. I'm working on another business project so I need to free up some of my time and energy. I'm also trying to squeeze in some vacation time this summer.

Here's what has brought all this to my attention: the thought of sending out my monthly newsletter is making me nervous because I don't want anyone to call or email when they receive it. If that's not messed up thinking for a marketer, I don't know what is.

So, what is the answer? There are some obvious things, such as scaling back my social media posting and blogging a little, removing promotional posts from my scheduling, changing or removing my calls to action (in more places than I've thought of yet!), advising my referrers and clients, and putting a message on my website.

I'd love to hear your suggestions in the comment box... what is a good strategy for temporarily scaling back sales without sacrificing the hard work you've put into marketing?

photo by Philippe Vieux-Jeanton / Flickr

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