One Simple Test Will Change the Impact of Your Headlines
You can tell when you read a headline that lets you get to know the writer a little better. It often contains an opinion, or perhaps a turn of phrase that is unique to them.
If your business is all about selling you, it's worth it to take extra care with your headlines and subject lines. Here's the promised simple test:
Read your headline out loud. Does it sound like something you'd say out loud?
Still not sure? Go look yourself in the eye in a mirror and say it out loud. Or add the words, "Hi Mom," to the beginning of your headline.
This test will make you stop and reconsider. Perhaps you won't change a word but the exercise is still valuable.
Don't overspend your time editing the text and not give enough attention to your headline. Your headline is the most important factor in whether anyone even gets to reading your article.
photo by nix|photo / Flickr
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