The Lazy Approach to Blogging

Here's how the lazy approach works: don't blog for the sake of keeping a schedule; only blog when you have something to say. Have you heard that advice yet?

Pretty simple, eh? No pressure at all. Just push a post out whenever the mood strikes, and if it doesn't... oh well.

Here are the benefits of adopting this schedule-less strategy:
  • No commitment to readers. They won't be expecting anything so if you reach their inbox, maybe it'll be a surprise. Or maybe they won't know who you are.
  • No pressure to keep current. This is a clear benefit in a business world of constant change.
  • You can call yourself an expert. Your ideas are so captivating that you only need to have 3 or 4 a year. (Maybe I'm confusing this with a guru.)
  • No wasted time communicating with readers. Relationships take up precious time, after all.
  • No stress - ever - about meeting a deadline.

If you haven't guessed yet, I think this is a bunch of nonsense. If you want to excel at content marketing and reap the real benefits, you need to build relationships and that happens by delivering value on a consistent basis to become a trusted resource.

photo by vszybala. / Flickr

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