How to Deliver Valuable Content
If you’ve struggled with success when it comes to blogging, newsletters or even social media, it may be because you’re missing the essential ingredient - value . There are many things you can do right or wrong but, if you aren't giving value, the rest won't matter much. Another thing I know for a fact is that giving value is work and requires commitment . If you're OK with a little hard work, let's get back to the part about giving value and look at ways to do that, along with some examples. Content that is in short supply or in high demand This is content can't be found anywhere else. Insider information is a prime example. Or perhaps it’s time sensitive and can’t be gotten as fast anywhere else. An example is Mari Smith and her exclusive Facebook content . If you are the single source for information that people want, you’ve got it made. Once you build your reputation, your opinions could also be included in this category. Many of you will already be...