Your Content Quality Check
When you're buried in details, it's hard to see the big picture. That's not news to you or anyone else.
To get out of the trees and above the forest, consider adding one final quality control check to your content creation process. Whether you are writing for your blog, newsletter or social media platforms, before you hit that PUBLISH button, ask yourself:
"What value will my target market get from this?"
If you can't articulate the value, your target market is unlikely to be able to, either. Think about it from your reader's perspective. How would they describe your article to someone else when they're (hopefully) raving about it? It might be something like: "Check out this blog post about xxxxx. It's got great tips you can use right away."
What if you can't articulate the value? Start editing right away, or put it aside and come back to it with fresh eyes later. I have a folder of article drafts that I've rejected because the value wasn't clear, and that folder is one of my 'idea triggers' when I'm looking for something to write about. Ideas can improve with age.
By adding this quick little check to your content creation process, you'll ensure your readers keep coming back.
photo by Neuwieser / Flickr
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