The Best Mailing List Ever

photo by kreg.steppe

Do you have subscribers who jump on every email you send? Do they open and read immediately, eagerly anticipating interesting and useful information?

The best kind of mailing list is full of responsive subscribers. These are people who have:
  1. asked for your newsletter
  2. replied with positive feedback
  3. clicked on links in your newsletter
  4. shared your newsletter via email and social media
How many of those people do you have on your mailing list? The answer should always be: not as many as I want to have.

Once you have the basics in place, you can work to build your list into the best list. Concentrate on those areas of interaction listed above and think about tactics that will improve on your current performance in each. Take little steps and work steadily at improvement. A blitz approach will be surprising, and perhaps unnerving, to your regular readers.


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