Finding Your Ideal Client is Like Finding a Mate

Do you remember being single? Perhaps you are now. How do/did you find your soulmate? As business owners, I think we can use some of the same strategies to build strong work relationships, too.

Hang out where they hang out
If you’re looking for a buff guy, go to the gym. If you’re looking for a business owner, go to a networking event. Get involved and get to know people.

Chat them up online
Private chat rooms aren't usually appropriate for business, but tweeting and liking and sharing are great ways to get acquainted.

Ask friends to fix you up
Ah, the blind date. Or, the business equivalent, the referral. Both can be stressful and boring and a waste of time. But some will ignite sparks and if you don't go, you'll never know. Coffee shops work great for both!

Make a proposition
Take the bull by the horns, pick up the phone and ask that buff guy for a date. This taking-the-bull-by-the-horns thing works in business too. It’s often referred to as ‘cold calling’.

I’m having a little fun with the Valentine’s theme. Can you come up with any other ways that finding your ideal client is like finding a mate? We'd love to hear them.

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