The Importance of Your Subject Line

Most people have email boxes that are overflowing and not enough time to read it all. If you are like me, a day out of the office can bring dread when I finally get back to my desk... and my inbox! Your subject line needs to prompt your subscriber to open your message.

To avoid spam filters, a quick Google search will unearth lists of words not to use in an email subject line. Getting past the spam filter is just the first step - you still need to encourage your recipient to open your email.

Help your subscribers save time with your email subject line. Make your subject line instantly recognizable in their inbox and include the main topic contained within.

If they are really busy, they can file it for later reading or delete it without having to take the time to open it. Although they may not read every issue, they will appreciate your effort. Better still, if the topic is of interest to them, they are more likely to open and read it later. Your subject line will be a repeated reminder of the topic within.

Here are 3 other tips for creating your subject line:
  • Avoid making requests or asking for favours, such as answering surveys. It only adds one more thing to your subscribers' to-do list.
  • Avoid very short subject lines, such as 'here you go' or 'information'. These are not descriptive and less likely to be opened.
  • Avoid making claims that seem too good to be true. If you are offering free anything, don't put it in the subject line. Claims that are too good to be true can easily be mistaken for bulk advertising and deleted quickly.
Your subject line needs to tell your recipient the message is for them, it is from you, and contains some clue as to the content within.


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