Role-based Email Addresses and Why You Aren't Reaching Them
Bulk email service providers, like iContact, maintain a list of email address prefixes which they prevent sending to. This is because the role-based email addresses on the list are often meant to be used by groups of people, rather than single recipients. That makes it more likely your emails to these addresses will be flagged as spam (which sucks!).
Here are a few examples: admin@, contact@, mail@, and support@. Click here to see iContact's partial list of Role Email Addresses. Oh, and if you ever notice you have subscribers with email addresses starting with spamtrap@, you'll know they took your free giveaway but never want to hear from you (it's on the list).
Any email address with a prefix on that list will never receive a bulk email you send. If you don't use iContact, find out what the prohibited list is for your provider.
What does this mean when collecting addresses to add to your list? You'll want to ask for an alternate email address if given one of those listed.
It also means, if you use any of these email address prefixes for your own business, you do not want to use them to sign up for bulk email you really want to receive.
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