Three Words for 2017

'Focus' has been my 'word of the year' since January 2010. When I did a little checking to figure out that date, I was surprised at how long I've been focussed on focus. Perhaps I'm as focussed as I'm going to get.

This year I'm going to buck the 'one word' movement and go with three words: surprised by joy. It's a wish for how I want to be in 2017.

The first line of William Wordsworth's poem of the same name is:
"Surprised by joy - impatient as the Wind"

I stumbled upon it recently while reading books by Canadian author Louise Penny. "Surprised by joy" is a recurring theme throughout her Inspector Gamache series. Maybe it stuck with me because patience sure isn't my best quality.

Share your word (or words) of the year in the comments. Whatever they are, my wish is that you will be surprised by the joy of success this year.

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  1. Great approach, Linda. Last year my word was "dare" and it worked for me. Everytime I hesitated over a decision I'd say to myself "What would you do if you were daring?" I ended up doing a lot of things well outside my comfort zone in 2016. This year my word is "learn" and it is showing up in all kinds of ways. One is in conversation with others, especially if I become impatient. I'll say to myself "What can I learn from this conversation?" This is making me a better listener. Wishing you joy in 2017 and always.

  2. Like it! I think that is a lovely - and I think I would like to take those 3 words on this year as well. I also think I would enjoy the books by Louise Penny. I will look her up.

  3. I love your words Linda! Author Sheree Fitch talks about "Kiss the Joy as it Flies", notice it which I think applies to being surprised and delighted by moments of joy. My word for 2017 is Inspire - as it applies to breathing in, inspiring others and taking the time to be inspired. Here's my post on Inspire


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