Writing is Not the Only Ingredient of a Winning Blog

Blogging success has less to do with your writing skill than you might think. Yes, it has to be interesting or useful... hopefully both! But if it's not also these other things below, it likely won't be successful for your business:

#1. Valuable
What’s in it for your audience? What will be valuable to them? Why would they take the time to read - and share - your blog? After writing, double-check to make sure there's value. When you reread your article from your readers' perspective, you might be surprised. Would a complete stranger find it valuable?

#2. Repetitive
At least once a week if you want your blog to help increase sales. Over time, repetition will show up as diligence and tenacity.

#3. Consistent
Being inconsistent makes you seem inconsistent. Over time, consistency will show up as loyalty... for you and your readers.

#4. Distributed
If you write it, they will not come. How will you get your articles in front of people? You need a plan for marketing your blog. 

#5. Measured
Pay attention - watch your statistics. Revise your strategy. Expand your plan. If you aren't interested in staying on top of your blog schedule and watching your results, certainly no one else will be.

You might be thinking, "Ick! These things aren't fun." And you might be right but, if blogging is part of your marketing strategy, these things are just as important as writing the article.

These aspects of blogging can also be fun and creative. In fact, if you aren't a star writer, these areas are where you can shine.


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