What Happens Once You're Found?

"We’ve mistakenly made being found the number one goal of our marketing." 
~ Bernadette Jiwa

This line from a recent article really caught my attention. Over the past few years I've heard many people talk about SEO (search engine optimization) as something desirable without really knowing why.

SEO is something done to your website so it'll be found in Google searches. So, what happens when someone gets there?

There's no value in investing in SEO if your website can't make something more happen when a potential customer arrives. Imagine having a store with no employees.

First, make sure your website can work for you. It should contribute to reaching your business goals and the here's-what-we-do-feel-free-to-call approach won't do much for you. It's one thing to get found and quite another to make the sale.

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