Content Strategies: Curating vs. Creating

I read a great article recently called Content Curation vs. Content Creation: Finding the Right Combination which discusses the goals of these two different strategies. It’s a detailed article and well worth reading. I’ll summarize a little here.
Curating content is all about becoming a trustworthy, reliable resource of high-quality, cutting-edge information that your readers and customers can depend on.
This strategy is reactive, depending on others’ content and schedules. This blog post is an example of curated content.
Creating content is about becoming a thought leader and demonstrating your expertise and authority.
This strategy is proactive - you set the trend.

Which strategy is right for you? It will likely be some combination of both. For us here at Daley Progress it’s about 70% curating and 30% creating. Our target market is interested in a heck of a lot more than just what we have to say.

Take a few minutes to read the article. It’ll help you decide what’s right for your business. Share your results by commenting below.

photo by Marcus Hansson


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