We all have the same 24 hours daily to accomplish our tasks. They come in a myriad of forms: phone calls, emails, projects, operational and administrative work, appointments, meetings and more. Priorities conflict, distractions tempt us and it’s hard to keep our eyes on the ball. It takes a lot of effort. Sound familiar? We can improve our chances of success by adopting more of a ‘big picture’ perspective and focusing on the end result. Focus on the Right Goals. What to do : Identify what is important to you and define the intended goal. Why is this important to you? Keep asking why (5 times) to drill down to the root issues. Manage Priorities. Most of us will admit to having 8 to 10 priorities. With that many, it requires super-human effort to do a good job of handling all of them well. What to do : Narrow down your priority list to 3 or 4 goals and focus on those. By limiting your list, you will be able to put your best efforts to your BIG GOALS. If reducing your list see...