
Showing posts from February, 2012

A Season of Shedding

I’ve started off the year by getting rid of things. Jane, my organizer friend, would say that’s a good thing. But I’m not talking about emptying closets and trips to the curb. I’ve been shedding bits and pieces of my business. It feels like a weight off my shoulders; casting off the old to make room for the new, a fresh start… and many more clichés. This year I am focused and oh boy, am I getting in control. Some decisions have been difficult ones – like finally putting my training career to rest. Some have been much easier – like getting rid of my Yellow Pages ad after 7 years of no payoff. (Can you believe this? The rep actually said, “Well, what’s $16 a month?”) All have been the result of the Plan I developed at bootcamp last month. I have never understood the terms ‘niche’ and ‘specialize’ like I do now. What a pleasant surprise: decision-making has now become so much easier and straight-forward. No waffling. Does it fit with the Plan? No? Then, out the door with it, ...

Find Your 'Debi'

A good friend recently asked for my best advice for a young colleague of hers that wants to start a home-based business. I surprised myself a bit by being able to zero in on the two key success factors for growing my similar business. Networking Yes, you've heard it before and are probably doing it. I could be doing more of it but I’m definitely making the most of what I do. Joining a weekly networking association has been a definite boost in a lot of ways: support and advice, friendships, referrals, and of course, some of the members have become clients. Networking takes me where other small business owners are, since they are my ideal clients. In recent months my networking has gone online and I've made some great connections through social media and my newsletter. Don’t ignore that venue. Find Your ‘Debi’ Most who know me, also know that Debi Hartlen MacDonald at New Life Business Solutions is a close colleague and that she and I regularly exchange our expertise and op...

5 Reasons Why EVERY Business Needs a Website

There are many reasons that a business should have a website.  Some businesses will have more reasons than others.  If I was going for quantity, I’m sure I could come up with hundreds of reasons.  But not all of those reasons would apply to every business.  There are some reasons that apply to EVERY business – big or small. Promote your products/services 24/7/365 worldwide Showcase your products/services for everyone to see. Explain the benefits. Show comparisons, testimonials, and FAQs. Bonus: your website works for you while you’re busy doing other things. Promote your business and yourself People favour organizations and people that they know, like and trust. Your website should convey trust and credibility, making people want to buy from you and support you. Build your community, reputation, and contacts A website can be a powerful way to build a following of like-minded people and show off your expertise. It can also be a powerful tool for gathering...