Milestones Mean Opportunity

On May 30, 2013, we sent out the 50th issue of the Work Better, Not Harder newsletter. In it I wrote about the importance of celebrating milestones - small business owners don't do that enough. In July of 2016, we sent out issue #100. That big milestone was reached through our own perseverance; we could have reached it even if we had no readers. Something to be proud of but not particularly motivating.

I want people to read my stuff - that motivates me.

For a couple of years, we've been flirting with reaching 10,000 pageviews on our blog in one calendar month, coming close but never quite reaching it. In December 2016 it finally happened - we had over 12,000 pageviews. Thank you to our readers who keep coming back!

Blogging regularly (this is post #451) has brought many benefits:
  • More social media contacts
  • More subscribers = potential clients and referrers
  • Enhanced reputation
  • Better writing skills - practice makes perfect
  • Motivation
  • More referrals, clients and friends
  • Requires me to do research which keeps me current
  • Gives me a reason to celebrate!
It's much more fun writing when you know you're being read. And you won't know that unless you are watching your statistics.

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