What I Learned from a Telephone Guru

I am fortunate to be good friends with The Phone Lady. There are many important things that I have learned from her - the most difficult has been to stop using the word 'just'. That insidious little word just wants to sneak in everywhere. The problem is, once the word 'just' pops in, it diminishes the rest of the message:

"I'm just calling to follow up..." (but it's really not important)

"I just dropped in..." (but I didn't care if I saw you or not)

How about...?

"I'm calling to follow up..." (because it's important to me)

"I dropped in..." (because I wanted to see you)

It's definitely a struggle to keep that little 4-letter word out of my vocabulary! Here's Mary Jane's message about this - I encourage you to read it.


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